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(2009.Dec.16 03:36 PM)Marlo Wrote: [ -> ]This is a farging game. If people weren't having fun they wouldn't log in. Get over yourself.

That came outta left field. Geez.
(2009.Dec.16 03:36 PM)Marlo Wrote: [ -> ]FUN?!?!?!?! I actually play this game as my full time job. Up at 8 am, in bed at 2am. It ain't easy running a multi-national crime syndicate.


This is a farging game. If people weren't having fun they wouldn't log in. Get over yourself.

Damnit I agreed with a modded marlo. Who would play if it wasnt fun?
(2009.Dec.16 02:36 PM)ClosedCasket Wrote: [ -> ]Still play to have fun?

Excluding Gay Haunt, whoever is out there having fun I want in!

I work graveyards counting money at a casino and when I come home I just want to relax and recreate with a few friends and have fun,,,,

sadly I login to this game even more than I login to my own life and when I get bored here I get bored altogether,,,

(2009.Dec.16 02:43 PM)ClosedCasket Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, idk man! I mean I am not that old in the game and I don't want to burn out early,,,what do you guys do for fun/ excluding gay haunt of course



(2009.Dec.16 03:36 PM)Marlo Wrote: [ -> ]FUN?!?!?!?! I actually play this game as my full time job. Up at 8 am, in bed at 2am. It ain't easy running a multi-national crime syndicate.


This is a farging game. If people weren't having fun they wouldn't log in. Get over yourself.

HFS! I'm gonna agree with Marlo! It's a F'N GAME! We yell at each other on the forums, that's bc it's the forum for a GAME! It's not RL!
(2009.Dec.16 02:55 PM)ClosedCasket Wrote: [ -> ]4.) get into a few hosp wars and not live to cry about it

hmm..for some1 who has tons of stims with him, it's easy to say that.
Try a war when u only 50k-100k, no other stims or food items, borrow money from friends for food or belt recharges, downgrade your house for money, etc

Try these things once and dont run to your credits card when u dont have money for somthing. Maybe you will have more fun that way.

For the social part, talk to people, talk drek to those you dont like, especially higher lvl players, stir the pot, etc
fuck you crunchy black


I can't remember the last time anyone but a chick
said frag you to me,,,and I'm not really black Hitler so you can stop the disrespect
Ok so the fun part of this game is catering to everyones ego who probably wouldn't enter into a confrontation in rl,,, thx guys

this forum is a lame excuse got low self esteem sorry for my attempt at learning other ways to
play this game,,,I will ask for my forum account to be banned, if you are a real person shoot me a message in game
Wait! don't go.... I'll be your freind... CC???? CC???


see what you did now Jager!
The kid is funny. My favorite posts are when he's calling out inpace for being a multi.
(2009.Dec.17 04:27 AM)ClosedCasket Wrote: [ -> ]I can't remember the last time anyone but a chick
said frag you to me,,,and I'm not really black Hitler so you can stop the disrespect
Ok so the fun part of this game is catering to everyones ego who probably wouldn't enter into a confrontation in rl,,, thx guys

this forum is a lame excuse got low self esteem sorry for my attempt at learning other ways to
play this game,,,I will ask for my forum account to be banned, if you are a real person shoot me a message in game

Just for the record I am just as cocky in real life as I am in AL. Difference is In RL I can back it
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