Why is it if i hit someone , everyone else feels the need to shove their face in and ask why i did it. If i attack someone online there is usually good reason for it and i would appareciate if all those nosey.....would mind there business
Edited for my grammar teacher...Wolverine.
Sorry I'll be sure to enroll in a grammar class tomorrow.
I agree with your statement. I attacked one person offline and before I knew it I had about 3 mails telling me in no uncertain terms to lay off. Isn't attacking people part of the game?? Relax and enjoy.
If you're on your own, every man for themselves. If you're in a gang, you should probably adhere to what your gang's guidelines are (if any) or at least explain why you need to bend them.
Good idea, let's have grammar and math classes for the next set of classes in the game.
See how great ideas can come from nowhere sometimes.

Ajax, without all the phecicious gramatical criticisms, the AL community is fairly small, most players truly want (and need) every active player to remain in the game regardless if they are friend or enemy, attacking a player online is detremental to that players continual playing of the game, therefore you get questions and a certain amount of protectiveness.
There/their are no rules against attacking someone online, however it probably goes without saying, there/their are more than one player/s watching your actions, thus the questions.
facetious, detrimental, appreciate
And the correct term is "Spelling." Also, the correct religion is "mormon." yes, "mormon." Sorry, everyone else was wrong.